Monday, April 26, 2010

So, sunburns suck. I get sunburns every so often (usually at the beginning of Summer), but I have never had one this bad, and it's only on my right arm and shoulder. I can already tell that it's about to peel. Yuck. That's the worst because usually the upside to every sunburn is that it eventually turns into a tan; however, when it peels, you begin to look a little like what Michael Jackson probably looked like before he started bleaching himself (that is what he did, right?).
I'm in Las Vegas right now visiting some of my wonderful family. I am very grateful that they brought me out here. Lord knows that I needed some R&R like nobody's business. My Aunt and Uncle have 3 kids each radically different from each other. The oldest is talkative, the middle one is a little more reserved, and the youngest has a rocket strapped to his back and yells like a Banshee at least 3 times a day. I love them dearly, though. All three.
The youngest, Tryce, really is a riot. He's so stinkin' funny. I have never met a three year old who can speak as clearly as he does and still make sense at the very same time. I've been telling him that he is handsome lately and each time he tells me that big boys are not handsome. I asked him what big boys are if they aren't handsome, and he told me, "They are just big boys!"
So simple. I tried convincing him that handsome is a good thing, that many big boys strive to look handsome, and that he is lucky that it comes so darn easy. But no. He's just a big boy. He finally settled for lookin' good, but even that was a stretch.
I go back home this Wednesday. I'm sad to leave, but I will be happy to get home, too. So, until then my friends! Have a good week!